Monday, May 21, 2007

The gift that keeps on giving

The most striking thing about Minneapolis is something I'd never heard of. The amount of people in this city with either noticeable facial warts or a herpes outbreak would blow your mind. It's hard to believe how many people we're talking about here. The reason I bring this up is how come this isn't more of an obvious issue with athletes? We all know the Mike Vick story - he slept with some guy named Ron Mexico and got herpes, or something like that. But you'd think for a populous which has such a reputation for excess that there'd be more cases such as Vick's.

This came to mind when I saw Jason Kidd being interviewed on TV after a game in the Nets series against the Cavs. With so many opportunities for viewing these people, you'd think the presence of STDs would be more noticeable. All the interviews, closeup on HDTV, print & online photographs, plus public appearances, how do these men and women stay clean? Hell, Magic Johnson has AIDS and it's like if you or I had a bad cramp.

Maybe all these athletes and their significant others, groupies & hookers all just use condoms and are very careful during sexual activity. Or maybe A.C. Green inspired more of them than we thought - they're all chaste. General society could learn a thing or two from these "friends first" role models.

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