Monday, April 9, 2007

"We"? Damn right!

I gave Mr. Bull a heads up that I was going to be commenting on this, so don't think I'm attacking him, we simply disagree on this and being drunk in a basement is the best way to debate sports, isn't it?
In his Opening Day post, the man said:

"Florida has no shot, it wont even be close, nobody can beat "us"." In basketball, I really dont give a shit. That last comment makes me laugh. "Us", wait a sec, how many fucking tackles did you make?? How many yards did YOU rush for?? "Us" We"??? I dont fucking think so. You arent a part of the team, so dont refer to your favorite team as "we" its retarded.

I understand this argument completely; fans don't take the field, nor does the outcome directly depend upon the performance of supporters. Now were it that simple, yea, I'd agree - but it's not, and I don't.

For the ease of my argument, since I'm lazy, just play along and pretend I'm responding to a professional athlete who has made these points, since some have done so in the past.

How many tackles did I make? How many yards did I rush for? That's the only way for me to be a part of this team? Really? All right then, I've got some questions for you, big shot...

- How loyal are you to your team? You're going to be back when your contract runs up, right? You say that you love playing in front of these fans, well prove it. Oh, that's right, you're going after the money, the biggest offer you can get. What happened to you being a part of your team? You sir have no team, you are a mercenary.

- Who am I going to root for when you leave? Oh yea, the next guy! Get it through your head, doesn't matter who is wearing that jersey, the fans want the team to succeed. Christ, it could be a 700lb gorilla and he'd be playing in front of a raucous sell out crowd.

- When was the last time you sat outside for three hours in the dead of winter to support a team? You think that's easy? Oh, it's cold down on the field? TRY PAYING 50 DOLLARS AND SITTING 500 FEET UP IN THE WIND!!! There's no place to go to get warm. Want to use the pisser? Get ready to stand in line for twenty minutes!

- How do you support the team? You just get on the field and perform and think that's it I bet. Sir, WE are the people who defend you guys to the death even though you probably don't deserve it. We get in fights, kicked out of bars, get tattoos, decorate our homes/cars/bodies, and hell, even name children after you just because we love the teams we cheer for.

- Who is paying you? Me! Think I don't factor into this equation? Would all professional athletes be playing these games if not for people like me paying them? Not a chance. This is a symbiotic relationship. By the way, you need me more than I need you.

- How long are you going to care about this team? Sure, you may have fond memories of playing for certain teams, but you'll move on. Not fans. Except for the bandwagon fans, we're in it for the long haul. We'll move around, put up with horrible owners & terrible decisions, heartbreaking losses, personnel changes and a lot more but we'll keep coming back. Why? Because WE care. This is more the fans' team than yours.

So to recap, my career stats are pretty empty, but so is your heart.

This is pretty incoherent, but give me a break, I've driven nearly 1800 miles in the past couple days and am kind of out of it. I'll edit this when I've got time.

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