Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Opening Day

In the past, I've been known as an extreme critic of the game of baseball. For years in college I followed college hoops and had the opportunity to talk to coaches, call games, and take in the atmosphere. For years, I thought college basketball was great.

If you would have told me that Opening Day in the MLB would mean more to me than the National Championship game five years ago, I would have told you that you were nuts. However, the former was the case this week.

I've completely lost interest in college basketball. I watched absolutley none of the games on final four weekend, and I watched maybe thirty seconds of the National Championship game. Worse yet, I really didnt care.

To be honest, if I had not been at work during the game, I may have watched VERY little more, but not much. I have simply lost interest in the game.

Opening Day this year, meant a lot more. There is something about opening day that cannot be explained. It goes beyond the ladies and their spring wardrobes being brought out for the first time.

It goes beyond the smell of the ballpark dogs, the incoherent conversation you have with one of the local legends at the park who has built their legacy on their inebriated reputation. The sense of spring is always pleasant when a great game comes with it.

Opening day is a gateway to the summer time. Longer nights, great weather, great times. Dont get me wrong, I havent had a life outside of baseball to enjoy anything outside the sport in five years, but I still understand what opening day means.

And to me, it means a lot more than the college basketball season, which I no longer have any interest in. I wanted to see Ohio State lose to Florida in football. Mainly because so many stupid ass Ohio State fans kept saying "Florida has no shot, it wont even be close, nobody can beat "us"." In basketball, I really dont give a shit.

That last comment makes me laugh. "Us", wait a sec, how many fucking tackles did you make?? How many yards did YOU rush for?? "Us" We"??? I dont fucking think so. You arent a part of the team, so dont refer to your favorite team as "we" its retarded.

Opening Day for the WV Power is only a day away, I cannot wait.

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