Thursday, January 25, 2007

Random Question

Here's something from my old blog that was never satisfactorily answered. Probably because no one read the old blog. This is a question from a Chuck Klosterman book. I throw it open to anyone to answer. Drew feel free to throw in a response.

Genetic engineers have developed a super gorilla. The animal cannot speak but it has a sign language vocabulary of over 12,000 words, it has an IQ of around 85 and it has a sense of self awareness. The animal (who weighs 700 lbs.) has developed a fascination with football. The gorilla aspires to play professionally and quickly develops into a rudimentary defensive end. Mel Kiper Jr. says that the gorilla is virtually unblockable and would record almost 6 sacks a game. However, the gorilla might be susceptible to draws, counters and other trick plays. The gorilla has made it clear that he would never intentionally injure his opponent. You are the commissioner of the NFL: Would you allow the gorilla to sign with the Oakland Raiders?

1 comment:

Ryan said...

You refuse to say whether or not said gorilla is Patrick Ewing.