Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I should have bought it

Yea, this post is going real well, it's only gotten f'd up twice already - the thing is cursed and you'll soon find out why.

But first, one of the best things about Minneapolis is the music scene. Not only does the area draw acts that I actually want to see (I'm on my way out the door to go to a show right now), but the numerous independent music stores give hope to all who heave at the thought of another Best Buy/Circuit City/Virgin Megastore, etc. My favorite being Cheapo - it's massive, cheap, carries both used & new cds and dvds, plus it's only two blocks from my place.

So I'm in there today looking for the Survivorman DVD when I turned the corner to see this cd staring back at me:

As tempting as it was, I couldn't throw down the $1.95 for it. Seriously, check out that guy's smile, he really loves his Savior. There's no way that's the guy's real hair.

One more day.

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