Sunday, June 3, 2007

I actually got Joe Tait on the radio here last night

Unbelievable (un·be·liev·a·ble) adj.
1. Not to be believed; incredible
2. My most often word used last night

What the hell is going on here? Price, Harper, Nance, Daugherty, Hot Rod & Ehlo couldn't pull it off, but TheBron & Boobie might? No freakin' way. I'm not saying they can't, just "wow". Nothing about this makes sense. The Tribe can't win a World Series, the Browns can't win a Super Bowl, let alone get to one, but the Cavs might win an NBA title? Really, who saw that happening before the LBJ lottery?

First person to use any form of the word "cursed" and Cleveland will be asked to leave. Is a Cavs title just what the city needs to believe, "Yes, we can do this; no longer are we building our hopes up, just to expect to have them dashed right at the worst moment"? I was literally speechless last night after the game. I've got no TV in my place here in Minneapolis, so I had to go to a bar to catch the end of it. After the final buzzer, I'm looking around the place realizing that few others in the place even noticed the game was on. I exchanged some handshakes with the guy next to me and realized I had to get out of there - it just wasn't right. Here's a Cleveland team advancing to the championship and I had not a single person with whom I could share the moment.

I called a friend for directions to her place and it finally dawned on me that I was unable to speak. She kept asking if I was drunk, but after only one PBR, no, that wasn't it - my mind simply couldn't comprehend what had happened. Cleveland? The Cavs? NBA Finals? This LeBron James thing is actually progressing as expected; what the hell is going on here? When I finally got over to my friend's place, I just sat there on the couch, stunned. I literally couldn't put thoughts into words; you could have dumped a pitcher of water on me and I'd have just looked up at you with the biggest, stupid grin on my face. Every word that eventually did make it out was a whisper, for I was worried that I was on the brink of just exploding, "Don't you get it?! This isn't right! Cleveland might actually win something!! DOESN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND???"

No, I don't live and die with the Cavs; for me, they'll never again be on the same level as the Indians or the Browns, but if my city is about to win something, you can bet your ass I'll be at home to celebrate it. If the Cavs look to be on the brink of actually winning it all, there's no way in hell I'll be watching the game alone in Minneapolis. Cleveland, hopefully I'll see you soon.

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