Friday, February 8, 2008

Pigskin Podcast

Hello out there,

I'm not sure who is still reading this on a regular basis. I want to let you all know that I've decided to stick with what I'm best at, and thats radio.

I'm part of a podcasting venue now Me and my buddies Nick Seuberling, Joel Hammond and Erik Bell talk football once a week and during the season it will be twice a week to feed the need.

We've got three shows already and in a couple of weeks, we will have the voice of the Buckeyes, Paul Keels on the show. So head to the website and prepare some questions for Mr. Keels.

As for my postings on this site, they may not be as frequent, but I will get on here more often than I have the last few months.

Stay tuned.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Most Epic Baseball Event that Amounts to Essentially Nothing

Today is one of those days that, on the surface, seems like it would be on of those momentous days in the history of baseball. On a par with the Black Sox scandal, Jackie Robinson's first game, Pete Rose getting banished and other days woven into the fabric of America's oldest game.

But is today one of those days? What did we find out today that we either didn't already know or at least have a strong suspicion of? I know myself and people very close to this blog have heard the rumors from good sources that Clemens was on the juice. Hell, why else would he come back to the Astros so late two years ago? Quasi- Jordan Gambling NBA suspension that is why.

So what essentially did we get today? A list of 80 or so names given up, for the most part, by two not so reputable (at best) sources. Most of the guys on the list are inconsequential to the game, minor players sacrificed to fill out the report. The report seems to be pieced together and still has glaring holes. (For Christ sake Sen. Mitchell is on the Board of the Red Sox, if that's not a conflict I don't know what is)

Where's the info on McGuire and Sosa, hard evidence on Bonds, guys like Brady Anderson and David Ortiz. This feels like a drop in the bucket, a much larger bucket of steroid use.

I don't know, maybe this is the extent of steroid use in baseball. Maybe Sen. Mitchell got it right. Probably not. This doesn't make me feel any better about the last ten years. I don't feel like there is closure and I sure don't feel like this is going to change anything.

You know what, I'm not sure I care.

Friday, October 26, 2007

If I don't acknowledge it, then it didn't happen

That's what I keep telling everyone, "I don't know what you're talking about." I, for one, felt the series was just about over after the Tribe went up 3-1. Just got that gut feeling where we were fucked again. I've heard that a large number of Clevelanders were nervous about the Yankees series but said, "Bring on the Sox!" Are you kidding? You'd rather face Boston than New York? That there is reason #839 I don't plan on moving back to my hometown anytime soon.

Shoot. I think I acknowledged it.

Well hey, as Erm's head nodding affirmed, we may agree on this next point - Derek Anderson's success is the best thing to happen to the Browns QB situation that the team could have hoped for.

Let's say the Browns were 1-5 with Anderson throwing up a rating in the 50's-60's, fans would be begging for the beginning of the BQ era (aw shit, just realized BQ is the opposite of "QB". Coincidence? Yes.). Well, here the Browns are 3-3 with Anderson more than earning his keep. Silencing fans? Check. Letting the future HOFer learn his trade in a timely fashion? Check. Not being the most successful pro athlete with his name? Check.

There's so many scenarios at play that this falls right into my conspirical mind. Is conspirical even a word? If it's not, just pretend I'm high (a big presumption, I know) and play along.

With the injuries to so many QBs and the Browns possessing a guy who has enjoyed limited success as a starter plus a "Top 5 talent", could one be traded for something worthwhile? Hmmm... "Top 5" guy slips further than expected in the draft. Team trades next year's 1st round pick to obtain him. Said QB furthers previous rumors pertaining to personal life and lack of focus. Could he be the one traded? For a first round pick? Is last year's possible number one pick with a year of learning under his belt worth a top 5-10 pick in a trade?

A look at the upcoming Free Agent QB class shows nothing spectacular. With Rex Grossman being the best well known name, that ain't good. The other "notable" FA QBs are Ken Dorsey, Jim Sorgi, Jared Lorenzen and Cleo Lemon.

Looking back, that was misleading. Looks like there's really one one stupid conspiracy theory. Sure, there may be more, but by this point I'm much less interested that I was moments ago. Wine - it's not just for Cheddar Soup!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Responding to Erm's Entry

I want to take a few moments to respond to Erm's entry on Lebron James wearing his Yankees cap.

Erm and I agree 50% of the time on sporting issues. That number has increased over the last few years, as we disagreed on almost everything when we lived together. I agree with Erm 1000% on this Lebron James issue.

Tell me something, where along the way, did they pass this act through congress that you have to root for the teams in the city which you live? Or the city which you play for that matter? Its so incredibly stupid that people get so upset about something this small.

Some have gone as far as to say that it was a bit of foreshadowing for Cleveland fans who live by the OIC stigma, which is also laughable. I just dont get how people can be so negative. Who cares if Lebron likes the Cowboys, the Yankees or the Cleveland Force??

There are Cleveland fans in Michigan, there are Steelers fans all over Eastern Ohio, and some in Northeast Ohio. Likewise, there are Ohio State fans in Michigan and Browns fans in Western PA. There are no rules in place that say you have to root for a particular team.

Whats even funnier, is that when Lebron takes the court and takes over games in the next few months, these same fans will get back on that bandwagon, and hopefully ride it to the finals once again. Sometimes, people are too quick to judge those in the spotlight.

So Lebron is a Yankees fan, so what? It could be worse, a lot worse.

Check out my new blog entry with the six week surprises in the NFL at

Saturday, October 13, 2007

No way

Oh no. LSU lost? Cal lost? Crap. No. Please, no. I'm begging, please, really, don't let it be. Awwww, crap! Really? This squad? But look at their schedule! So who cares if they're undefeated, talk about exploiting the schedule and it actually worked out as best it could. This is ridiculous. The Red Sox of college football are soon to be #1. I hate this system. Does this mean with Notre Dame's next win they'll be a top ten team? Blood pressure rising.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

In time for Halloween

The King's New Clothes

Here's what I think about LeBron and his Yankee's cap. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. It doesn't affect me as a Cavs fan or as an Indians fan. I don't wish ill will on the other people who wore Yankees caps to the Jake so why would I wish it on LeBrick. Shit, its not like he was wearing a Steelers cap.

Now me not caring and there not being a problem with what LeBron did are two different things. With that said, I don't see anything wrong with what Bron did. Plenty of people who live in Cleveland root for other teams (like the Packers), I don't see why its different because LeBron happens to play for the Cavs.

Second the kid is not even from this city, he's from Akron. That's a solid forty minute drive south. If you drive forty minutes east I'm sure you'll find more than your fair share of Stillers fans. Akron is not Cleveland. If it were there'd be a lot more Zips fans. But alas Cleveland is filled with Buckeye fans who have never set foot in Columbus. And why do they choose the Buckeyes over the Zips? One because that's how they were raised and two because the Zips suck.

Now look at LeBron raised in Akron, with no father figure pushing him towards the Cavs, Indians and Browns. Who do kids tend to gravitate towards? Winners that's who. Who was a winner in the early to mid Nineties? Yankees, Bulls and Cowboys.

So not only do I not have a problem with what LeBron did I've got more respect for him. He's a real fan. (He's a douche for rooting for the Yankees, but a fan nonetheless). Everyone who follows the Cavs has known that LeBron is a Yankees fan and wears a Yankees lid all the time. If Bron would have showed up to Game One with a Tribe cap I would have said he's got no back bone. So I give him credit knowing full well that he's going to take heat for it. Now the worst thing that LeBron could do is show up at the ALCS in Tribe gear. That would be sackless.