Friday, October 26, 2007

If I don't acknowledge it, then it didn't happen

That's what I keep telling everyone, "I don't know what you're talking about." I, for one, felt the series was just about over after the Tribe went up 3-1. Just got that gut feeling where we were fucked again. I've heard that a large number of Clevelanders were nervous about the Yankees series but said, "Bring on the Sox!" Are you kidding? You'd rather face Boston than New York? That there is reason #839 I don't plan on moving back to my hometown anytime soon.

Shoot. I think I acknowledged it.

Well hey, as Erm's head nodding affirmed, we may agree on this next point - Derek Anderson's success is the best thing to happen to the Browns QB situation that the team could have hoped for.

Let's say the Browns were 1-5 with Anderson throwing up a rating in the 50's-60's, fans would be begging for the beginning of the BQ era (aw shit, just realized BQ is the opposite of "QB". Coincidence? Yes.). Well, here the Browns are 3-3 with Anderson more than earning his keep. Silencing fans? Check. Letting the future HOFer learn his trade in a timely fashion? Check. Not being the most successful pro athlete with his name? Check.

There's so many scenarios at play that this falls right into my conspirical mind. Is conspirical even a word? If it's not, just pretend I'm high (a big presumption, I know) and play along.

With the injuries to so many QBs and the Browns possessing a guy who has enjoyed limited success as a starter plus a "Top 5 talent", could one be traded for something worthwhile? Hmmm... "Top 5" guy slips further than expected in the draft. Team trades next year's 1st round pick to obtain him. Said QB furthers previous rumors pertaining to personal life and lack of focus. Could he be the one traded? For a first round pick? Is last year's possible number one pick with a year of learning under his belt worth a top 5-10 pick in a trade?

A look at the upcoming Free Agent QB class shows nothing spectacular. With Rex Grossman being the best well known name, that ain't good. The other "notable" FA QBs are Ken Dorsey, Jim Sorgi, Jared Lorenzen and Cleo Lemon.

Looking back, that was misleading. Looks like there's really one one stupid conspiracy theory. Sure, there may be more, but by this point I'm much less interested that I was moments ago. Wine - it's not just for Cheddar Soup!

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