Sunday, February 4, 2007

Bull's Super Blog

Greetings and Salutations from freezing cold Cleveland, Ohio. Every year I like to do a little something called, a Super Blog.

Let me begin by saying I hate hype weeks, and I dont start watching until 6:20. The reason? If I wanted to see a fucking circus, then I'd call Barnum and Bailey, hire a fucking clown to make bears and dogs out of balloons or pay a bunch of flexible fuckers to jump through flaming triangles and walk tight ropes 50 feet above my house.

I have no desire whatsoever to hear about the pop culture crap and the political aspects of this game. It hit me hard in 2002 when they tried to market the game around the county's patriotism, and its left a bitter taste in my mouth ever since. Therefore, since I want to watch the game, and only the game, I wait until 6:20 to turn it on, and tomorrow I'll watch the Cavs, AND THE PBA TOUR WHICH IS ON ESPN AT 2 BABY!!!!!!!

Onto the game itself. The haters can shove it, I love reading Gil Brandt's articles where he discusses trends and gives interesting factoids. He put together a nice table of information for the big game, and what I found interesting was that both teams have scored the same amount of points this year, yet the Colts have surrendered 105 more points. He also mentions that the Bears have held the ball for 1:02 longer on average during a game, and I believe both time of possession and field position will be the deciding factors in this game. Its real simple, if the Colts have the ball, they have the firepower on offense to beat the Bears defense and wear them down. The Bears dont stand a chance in a shootout. I've noted this before, in the first 12 weeks, the Bears defense had only allowed just over 12 points a game, but in their last 6 (4 regular season, 2 playoffs) they have allowed almost 24 points a game. Clearly you can see that the defense is not the same without Mike Brown and Tommie Harris.

On the other side, if the Bears can find a way to establish the run (which has been VERY tough in the post season) and do what the Chiefs, Patriots and Ravens could not do against the Colts this post season, then they'll force that Colts offense to panic, and press, which is what they did down the stretch in second half of the season. Not to mention, they'll control the clock, and wear down that Colts defense. The Special Teams play will be HUGE. Better field position will allow the Bears to be a little more conservative here and rely on the running game, but if Indy shuts the run down early, the Bears will have to put the game in Rex Grossman's hands, and with Dwight Freeney going against John Tait, that could get ugly. They'll have to double him with a tight end or a running back, and that will eliminate a check down option for Grossman. His secondary options will be a big factor as he wont be able to go deep vs. the Cover 2.

I've looked at this game from every angle just like everyone else, and its hard to find a reason to pick the Bears. Kharma is a bitch, and I think these teams are fairly evenly matched. The Colts are getting the nod across the board which isnt a good thing. When everyone picks you, it gives the other team that much more motivation to shock the world. However, if you are Peyton Manning, the jury is still out on you until you win the big game, so there is PLENTY of motivation there.

I dont see how the Bears will run on the Colts, I dont see how Rex will have a big game if they cant run the ball, I dont see how the Colts will struggle against the Bears defense and I dont see how Peyton Manning will not dominate the Bears.

The only way I see the Bears winning this thing, is if Devin Hester has a huge game and Chicago's special teams unit completely outplays Indy's. Call me crazy, but I'm going against the grain and picking the Bears. I think it will be a low scoring contest, and the Bears will win it 20-13. Enjoy the show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Back in December, I put 5 bucks on the Bears to win the Super Bowl. I did the same thing during the NLCS with the Cardinals and was much more successful.
Fuck Peyton Manning. The NFL loves this guy because he's a testament to the bland; aside from his laser, rocket arm he has no athletic talent to speak of. Instead of making plays on the fly with his raw talent, he comes off as someone who has foregone any joy in his life for the chance to study film. Only through repitition has he gotten to this point. Not a bit of creativity in him. Has his talent ever really made you say "wow"?
He has no personality whatsoever. Joe Namath he is not. He doesnt' even deserve to be called "the poor man's Dan Marino", just wait til he starts doing movies with Jamie Kennedy.
Give the MVP trophy to its rightful owner (you too, Mo Vaughn).