Thursday, March 22, 2007

Angry, yet not drunken

We're all waiting for the first drunken, angry post here, but let me assure you that while I'm assuredly ticked, I'm not nearly drunken enough. Still, get ready for disjointed thoughts in no order.

1. The response for updates on my bracket has been overwhelming, and to sum it up, let's just refer back to the original post:

-I only have 7 upsets in the whole thing. 7 in 63 games. This is why I don't do it for money.

Well, needless to say....(If it's needless to say, then why say anything?)

I still have a chance to pick all of the remaining winners. The way I see it, if two certain games in the Sweet 16 go my way, it's all mine. Maybe I should have done it for money.

2. If I could say "Fuck Major League Baseball" I would. But I can't. A couple years ago, someone told me that when you're pissed at someone, write them a letter telling them everything you'd want to say without repercussion, but don't send it. Well, I'm too lazy to do that, so I'll tell you instead.

In the interest of keeping it short and sweet, I'll limit it to one thing. This latest allegation that MLB's deal with DirecTV is slightly shady should be enough to show how little you matter in this whole thing. Regardless if On Demand has matched what MLB is looking for, the league is displaying a reprehensible attitude toward the issue in general. If, as they love to say, they're a business, then this "business" is distributing a soiled product through inadequate media.

"We cannot put the interests of what we believe are a relatively small minority of fans over what we believe are the best interests of the entire fan base as a whole," Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer, said in a letter to the Federal Communications Commission.

Not only does your comment contradict itself, but your numbers (yea, thanks for not referencing them) don't fit the formula. According to,

"Extra Innings" had more than 500,000 television subscribers last year plus about 60 percent more on, the sport's Web site. DirecTV has estimated only about 5,000 "Extra Innings" subscribers would lose access to it on television.

Yea, that's all well and good, but let me put it to you this way. In the last 3 years, I've lived in Cleveland, Boston and Pittsburgh and the fraction of people I've known to have On Demand is probably close to 1/3 of cable subscribers (DirecTV 1/50 at best?). That's a staggering number of people to personally be aware of and MLB is telling me that these "500,000" DirecTV subscribers represent "the entire fan base as a whole"? What, do I only hang around On Demand subscribers? Plus, if you're losing 1% of your customers off the bat, how are you replacing them? People with DirecTV automatically get "Extra Innings" now, right? No? You mean people still have to sign up and pay to get it? THEN WHY'D YOU DUMP YOUR CUSTOMERS IN THE FIRST PLACE? I'm now becoming much more angry than before, yet oddly less drunken.

3. The other night, I went to a movie with a lady from work, just as friends (uh, same reason Billy Zane and Ellen DeGeneres would go as friends) and holy crap was it awesome. Now, let me start off by saying that I haven't been to the movie theater since I saw A Beautiful Mind (Fahrenheit 9/11 doesn't count, it's not really a movie) so I wouldn't be kept abreast of revolutions in the movie theater industry, but wow, this place was seriously somewhere you'd take someone on a date.

It was a matinee on a Monday, but who cares. The two of us spent a total of 23 bucks on "V.I.P." seats which, in addition to the spacious (and empty) reclining leather seats from the best view, but also a coupon worth $3.50 off food. We'd already planned to eat there at the theater (a proposition which had me worried), but damn, was it worth it. The full bar and restaurant on the second floor above the lobby was tremendous and comfortable. Good food from a pretty full lunch/dinner menu was surprising, plus the lounge and cocktail areas blew my mind, even though the place was dead at 4:30 on a Monday. Is this kind of setup common? Seriously, the place didn't feel at all like a movie theater until I'd turn 90 degrees left and see the 30 foot tall coke bottle and popcorn tub reaching up from the concession stand below. By the way, it was a Loews Cinema - what the hell is a cinema?

Again, I have no idea how common this stuff is, but if I were the dating type, this would be way up the list of things to do.

4. Today at work, I'm told that I need to tone down the ripping on Pittsburgh so much, some people are "taking it the wrong way". Uh, there's pretty much only one way to take it, you're Pittsburgh. Name one redeeming quality about everyday life in Pittsburgh, it's harder than naming 3 songs by Kiss (and how many of you can come up with "Detroit Rock City" as #2?).

Don't think I don't know what it's like to have my hometown hated by outsiders. Now that's why I was originally angry.

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